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Jule Pattison-Gordon

Senior Staff Writer

Jule Pattison-Gordon is a senior staff writer for Government Technology. She previously wrote for PYMNTS and The Bay State Banner and hold a B.A. in creative writing from Carnegie Mellon. She’s based outside Boston.

Ada County, Idaho, has launched a tool that lets the public view ballot images and cast vote records, using it for new local elections for the first time in May. Now, other counties might also adopt it.
Revisions to the FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services Security Policy affect all entities who have access to that data, including education departments, police, vendors and more.
Public safety threats are increasingly blending physical violence, cyber attacks and online influence campaigns. The report calls for new law enforcement training, a national threat system and more.
Nearly 160 software companies have now signed CISA’s voluntary Secure by Design Pledge, which is a promise to work on seven key goals that could better protect their customers from hackers.
Defending technology in space requires a range of strategies, and an open-minded approach is key to preparing for inventive attackers and an evolving tech environment. A new report aims to help.
The company CEO acknowledged mistakes and said it was now making cybersecurity part of all employees’ responsibilities. Some legislators were skeptical and questioned how to create a more secure landscape overall.
The Center for Internet Security’s Cybersecurity Advisory Services Program is aimed at helping strengthen organizations that are involved in elections, health care, education and water utilities.
University-based cybersecurity clinics are enabling students to offer basic cyber services to local governments, hospitals, nonprofits and other groups with limited resources for the work.
The IT-ISAC has started encouraging election system vendors and security researchers to collaborate on finding and fixing vulnerabilities, with a new event planned for 2025.
Nation-states are increasingly looking to the stars to conduct cyber attacks that disrupt other countries' satellite communications. In addition, solar weather events can also cause disruptions.