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Ben Miller

Ben Miller

Associate Editor of GT Data and Business

Ben Miller is the associate editor of data and business for Government Technology. His reporting experience includes breaking news, business, community features and technical subjects. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in journalism from the Reynolds School of Journalism at the University of Nevada, Reno, and lives in Sacramento, Calif.

The money, allocated by a budget trailer bill, will enable the California State Payroll System Project to hire a system integrator. The initiative, underway since 2016, will replace a significant piece of legacy.
Experts say safe and effective use of artificial intelligence requires transparency, explainability and auditability. Users of the tech also have to trust the people who made it.
GovTech 100 companies are likely to have an outsized role in making government better. Many now come with deep pockets thanks to investments from private equity.
At a recent gathering of public- and private-sector technology leaders, discussions included several examples of how AI can help the public sector without piling onto time and resource burdens.
At a recent event bringing together public- and private-sector leaders in government technology, many spoke about how hiring struggles are making AI both more appealing and more difficult to adopt.
State and local government PIOs and social media teams are navigating the drastic changes at what was once Twitter, grappling with unexpected features and shifts in user verification, as they weigh the pros and cons of remaining on the evolving platform.
The platform has undergone several changes since Elon Musk bought it and took it private late last year — especially when it comes to credibility and verification features, critical to government communications.
Traditionally, residents have seen government as slow-moving and hard to interact with, but that may be changing. While there’s more work to do, public-sector services are noticeably improving.
Conduent is staying in the public sector, but divesting itself of "non-core assets," according to the company.
After leading IT operations in California’s capital city for more than nine years, Maria MacGunigal has announced that she will depart the position April 14. The search for her replacement has already begun.