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Abby Sourwine

Abby Sourwine is a staff writer for the Center for Digital Education. She has a bachelor's degree in journalism from the University of Oregon and worked in local news before joining the e.Republic team. She is currently located in San Diego, California.

Using large language models, and with some adult supervision, the chatbot would coach young people on how to identify and respond to messages from online predators.
Building on past work with metaversities, a private historically Black college is building virtual, AI-driven versions of five instructors that will offer tailored help to students beyond the capabilities of a chatbot.
Emory faculty are working with the nonprofit Rowen Foundation and the Georgia Chamber of Commerce to host free AI training sessions for the general public in 19 locations across Georgia.
With Michigan State University as its first academic hub, Teach Access will consult on digital accessibility curriculums and offer students real-world educational and employment opportunities.