The House Appropriations Committee recently approved a bill that would eliminate $2.19 billion in federal funding for the professional development of teachers, principals and school leaders.
Officials in Middletown, N.J., have proposed a policy banning smartphone use in classrooms, bathrooms, locker rooms and most spaces outside of high school free periods, as a statewide ban is discussed.
Wyoming schools must create their own policies with respect to artificial intelligence, but the state is encouraging them to use it to free up time for teachers to focus on instruction and bring students up to speed.
From abolishing the U.S. Department of Education to cutting Title I funding and certifying teachers based on ideology, a controversial proposal from a conservative think tank would upend public education nationwide.
A new bill offers grant funding to purchase smartphone bags for schools that prohibit the use of cellphones during the school day. A statewide prohibition on student cellphone use during school is also in the works.
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul inched toward a statewide ban on smartphones in schools, launching a “listening tour” that would span the state, aiming to hear from teachers and parents.
Rhode Island Gov. Dan McKee announced the group’s membership, and that he would host its inaugural gathering, on Friday. Members will assess the risks and opportunities in artificial intelligence.
The new council, chaired by Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, held its inaugural gathering at the end of June, six months after it was announced. The group may create committees to get more heavily involved in day-to-day operations.
Still in committee as part of the Kids Off Social Media Act, Eyes on the Board aims to tie E-rate funding to the restriction of social media access on any school networks supported by these federal funds.
With drivers buying less gas, delivery truck fees can provide funding for highways, bridges, tunnels, electric vehicle charging stations and projects to reduce air pollution and to electrify vehicle fleets.