K-12 Education
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Los Angeles Unified School District Supt. Alberto Carvalho intends to assemble independent experts to conduct a wide-ranging review of what went wrong with the AI chatbot the district debuted in March.
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Officials in Middletown, N.J., have proposed a policy banning smartphone use in classrooms, bathrooms, locker rooms and most spaces outside of high school free periods, as a statewide ban is discussed.
Wyoming schools must create their own policies with respect to artificial intelligence, but the state is encouraging them to use it to free up time for teachers to focus on instruction and bring students up to speed.
In partnership with professionals in the field, professors from Sul Ross State University and the University of Scranton-Pennsylvania gave area high schoolers hands-on experiences and exercises in cybersecurity.
From abolishing the U.S. Department of Education to cutting Title I funding and certifying teachers based on ideology, a controversial proposal from a conservative think tank would upend public education nationwide.
In response to workforce shortages and unaffordable college tuition, K-12 districts are hiring specialists to help students find alternate paths to careers in cybersecurity, manufacturing and other in-demand fields.
A new bill offers grant funding to purchase smartphone bags for schools that prohibit the use of cellphones during the school day. A statewide prohibition on student cellphone use during school is also in the works.
Amid the national conversation about whether cellphones belong in schools, a recent high school graduate from North Carolina defends them as tools for lonely students to find and connect with like-minded peers.
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul inched toward a statewide ban on smartphones in schools, launching a “listening tour” that would span the state, aiming to hear from teachers and parents.
As schools face the reality of being the No. 1 target of cyber attacks in the U.S., they need cybersecurity strategies specific to their users and security tools interoperable with their particular tech ecosystems.
An 18-year-old youth advocate from the nonprofit Work2BeWell argues that instead of banning cellphones, schools should teach students proper cellphone etiquette alongside digital literacy.
A teen who recently graduated from Sycamore High School in Cincinnati says students need to be able to contact their parents in case of schedule changes or emergencies, but they should take regular breaks from screens.
Still in committee as part of the Kids Off Social Media Act, Eyes on the Board aims to tie E-rate funding to the restriction of social media access on any school networks supported by these federal funds.
Westmont Hilltop School District in Pennsylvania worked with the school website company Edlio to build a mobile app for sharing news, information about events, field trip permission slips and other communications.
New AI tools from the ed-tech software company Instructure include automated discussion summaries, content translation and a Smart Search feature, with the addition of Khanmigo Teaching Tools planned for September.
Despite the financial collapse of the developer behind Los Angeles Unified School District's multi-million dollar AI platform, Supt. Alberto Carvalho still intends it to create individualized education plans for students.