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GovX Summit - Government Experience Summit & Awards

The Center for Digital Government (CDG) has recognized and benchmarked state and local government’s online progress for over 20 years. CDG is taking this recognition to the next level with the GovX Awards. This premiere annual event showcases the latest trends, best practices and ideas around the evolving experience of government and recognizes the states, cities and counties at the forefront of the government experience movement. Top jurisdictions will be honored at this celebratory awards event.

Best of the Web ranks the top U.S. state and local Web portals, recognizing advances in digital solutions and communication with citizens, government communities and business. The Digital Government Achievement Awards showcase progressive and innovative Web sites and digital applications by government entities worldwide.
e.Republic's Center for Digital Government Announces Top Web Sites and Digital Achievement Awards 2010
Digital Government's Finest Showcased by the Center for Digital Government 2011
Top Government Websites and Digital Achievements Honored by the Center For Digital Government 2012