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How government technology gets funded, and how government directs its financial resources. Also includes coverage of financial and budgeting software deployments such as ERP.

The money, allocated by a budget trailer bill, will enable the California State Payroll System Project to hire a system integrator. The initiative, underway since 2016, will replace a significant piece of legacy.
The company offers the Gravity platform and sells budgeting, compliance and other tools to local and state governments. A gov tech veteran will join the board of directors following the growth equity investment.
The Lexington-Fayette Urban County Council approved a record-setting $532.9 million spending plan with funds for 25 new positions. The budget also includes money for 25 license plate cameras.
In the May revision of his proposed 2024-2025 fiscal year state budget, Gov. Gavin Newsom called for $2 billion in cuts to rolling out high-speed Internet. It’s possible, he said, “to actually achieve similar goals at a lower cost.”
Procurated, a procurement marketplace for state and local agencies, has officially launched its Canary supplier review tool after a quiet debut. The company’s CEO discusses the thinking behind the product’s design.
This is the first acquisition for OpenGov since Cox Enterprises took control of the company in a February deal that valued the gov tech firm at $1.8 billion. OpenGov plans a new suite of tax and revenue products.
As suspected Wednesday, bad actors are to blame for taking computers in the state’s Bill Drafting Commission offline. The incident is further delaying production of the already-late state budget.
The procurement software vendor could soon have a bigger presence in local contracting, according to the CEO. The funding comes among other changes for companies in procurement.
The two gov tech vendors have built a large online library of public contracts. The goal is to make it easier for suppliers and public agencies to study and evaluate contracts, and craft the best deals.
A recent survey confirms that government employees are increasingly turning to online platforms like LinkedIn to vet potential vendors. A poorly optimized personal profile could cost a vendor valuable contracts.