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Electric Vehicles

Coverage of electric vehicle (EV) policy and use by government and consumers in the United States as jurisdictions increasingly incorporate electric cars, buses and other vehicles into government fleets to help meet climate change goals. Includes stories about electric vehicle infrastructure and battery development, hybrid vehicles, electric scooters and bikes.

GreenWealth Energy and Voltpost will expand low-speed, dwell charging at multifamily housing locations and curbside, to make electric vehicles a more workable solution for renters and people with lower incomes.
On an empty site where a motor home factory previously stood, Georgia bus maker Blue Bird is now building a 600,000-square-foot, 400-worker factory to produce electric school buses.
In the year’s second quarter, 704 EV charging stations came online nationwide — bringing the total number of public fast-charging sites to nearly 9,000. At this rate, they will outnumber U.S. gas stations inside a decade.
Traveling across the West in an electric car turned out to have unexpected thrills, and occasional frustrations. Our reporter found that the chargers were out there — but connecting with them sometimes meant taking the long way around.
The bus maker will receive the money under the Domestic Auto Manufacturing Conversion Grants program plan, which aims to spur U.S. production of electric, hydrogen or hybrid vehicles. It will convert a factory to produce the buses.
The first electric vehicle charging station funded through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act opened for business last December in London, Ohio. More are set to open in Maine, Colorado and Vermont this year.
Nine Connecticut municipalities, including Danbury and New Milford, will receive conditional awards from the state Department of Transportation to build out electrical vehicle charging stations. The awards top $5 million.
The money from the U.S. Department of Transportation will enable a fleet of more than 20 buses at Acadia National Park to move off propane and get electrified. Replacement is estimated to take three to four years.
Two grant proposals from the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District each received $4.5 million from the federal Environmental Protection Agency. One would replace dirty-burning agricultural tractors; the other, heavy-duty diesel trucks.
EV sales growth has slowed, automakers are pulling back on production, and the politics around the subject is growing nasty, as the very idea of driving an EV has entered the culture wars.